Beautifully Bohemian - The Boho Glam Wedding of Your Dreams!

Stephanie White

Beautifully Bohemian - The Boho Glam Wedding of Your Dreams!

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A bohemian themed wedding combines the chic, vintage style of the 1960’s and 70’s with a modern spin to give you an earthy yet glamorous wedding experience. When choosing this wedding theme, its all about fun mixing patterns, textures and colors to your liking. 



The combination of designs you choose will help represent who you and your partner are as individuals and as a couple, how fun right?. It’s a unique way to share with your guests what makes your heart happy. 



If you and your partner would describe yourself as free spirits, eternal optimists and glass half full type of people, you may have found your perfect theme. 


Here are some Key Words that can be helpful to use during your planning process: 






Key Colors to be used throughout: 







Spark any joy? If so, we hope you’ve found some inspo to take with you through the planning process. 

A Beautifully Bohemian wedding will be a hit for you and your guests to enjoy! 



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