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Mindful & Meaningful Messages for You
Emily Takeshita
May 4th, 2022
Words matter. The words you use to communicate to those around you impact your relationships, wellbeing and shape your perspective on how you live your life. Just as important, our thoughts have the power to shape our ideas, too, even if we don’t say them outloud.
Even on the days that don’t feel easy, we need to remember to speak kindly to ourselves and give ourselves grace in moments when we don’t think we deserve it. If you wouldn’t say it to a friend, you are not allowed to say it to yourself. That’s the new golden rule around here!
Let’s take this mindset with us at the start of each month. Being more than a lash company, we strive to give our customers a community you can feel proud of being a part of. Being part of a community can help you flourish to new levels of your life and awaken parts of yourself that you didn’t know existed. You gain support, you feel a sense of belonging, you gain friendships, and most importantly, feel empowered.
Be on the lookout for messages from us every month within our newsletter. Gentle reminders and well wishes from us to you. A virtual email hug to our loving community that has been on this journey with us.
Whether you are new, found us a couple years ago, or have been with us for 10 years. We are so glad you’re here.
With love and light,
House of Lashes