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How To Keep Your Lashes Squeaky Clean
Emily Takeshita
Lash 101
April 8th, 2021
Keep your lash game… SQUEAKY CLEAN!
Did you know that you can re-wear your HOL lashes up to 15+ times?
Yep - you better believe it!
Keeping your lashes clean is not only beneficial for your eye sanitation, but can extend the life of your lashes for many wears to come.
And we are going to show you step-by-step how to clean your lashes so you can get optimal wears from them!
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Makeup Remover
- Rubbing alcohol
- Q tips
- Tweezers
- Spooly brush
- Paper towels
- Lashes How to keep your lashes squeaky clean!
How to Clean and Care for Your Lashes
- Pour makeup remover into a small bowl
- Using your tweezers, remove the lashes from the tray and place them on a paper towel
- Take a Q-tip and dip it into the makeup remover
- Saturate the lash band with the makeup remover by gently running the q-tip back and forth across the band
- Hold the lash with one hand while using your fingers on the opposite hand to gently remove the saturated glue
*Note: It’s super important to hold the lash as close to the lash band as possible when following this step, as this will ensure that the lashes don’t tear in the process.
- Next, saturate a new q-tip with rubbing alcohol
- Hold the lashes with your pair of tweezers and rub the alcohol along the lash band to disinfect them
- Coat the lash fibers with a thin layer of rubbing alcohol as well to really sterilize the entire lash - you just never know what germs are living there
- Brush out the lashes with a clean spoolie brush to keep the style in tip-top shape
- Use the tweezers to place the lashes back into their tray or lash case
And voila!!!
Your lashes are clean, refreshed, and looking better than ever!
Now you’re ready to #LashLikeAPro ;)