Lash and Dash Adhesive Eyeliner Put to the Test

Emily Takeshita

Lash and Dash Adhesive Eyeliner Put to the Test

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Our newest Lash and Dash Adhesive Eyeliner combines everything you love about lash adhesive and eyeliner into one magical product. 

Flawlessly line your eyes, then apply your falsies directly on top for a long lasting hold. No mess, no waiting for glue to dry, just quick and easy application! 

Unlike other products on the market, our Lash and Dash has major staying power. Lifting inner and outer corners is easier than ever with this formula! 

Plus, we included all of the clean ingredients and dropped the bad stuff to uphold our promise of always being cruelty free. 

And did we mention latex free, formaldehyde free and paraben free? 

...Your eyes can thank you in advance! 

We can go on and on about how great we think we think this product is, but there’s nothing like putting it to the test! 

Follow along with our team member, Anahi, as she wears our Lash and Dash Adhesive Eyeliner throughout her day. 

HOL: “Hi Anahi! Tell us a little about your morning routine and how you get ready for the day?” 

Anahi: Hi! Upon waking up, I like to start my day by playing mellow music & head to my bathroom to start my skincare routine. I always make sure to have a clean and fresh face to get the best makeup application. This is actually my favorite part of the morning! 

HOL: “Describe your daily makeup routine and describe which color Lash and Dash you wear? (Crystal Clear or Satin Black) 

Anahi: My everyday makeup look starts with my brows. I always groom and lightly color them to fill in any gaps. After I clean up my brows, I then conceal my lids and set them with translucent powder. (I have an oily skin type so this helps set any creases and ensures my eyeliner does not transfer on my lid.) After setting my lids, I go straight in with the Lash & Dash Adhesive Eyeliner in Satin Black. I simply line my natural lash line with no wing and add a small amount of mascara. Once the liner and mascara is on, I go in with my favorite pair of lashes, Siren Flare. I finish off my makeup by adding a primer, foundation, bronzer and blush. And Ta Da! My canvas is now finished. 

HOL: “What is the application process like? Any tips you can share with us that will make it easier?” 

Anahi: The Lash & Dash Adhesive Eyeliner is very easy to apply. I love how the felt tip is smooth and thin because it makes application so seamless! I use a small handheld mirror and look downwards at it so I can get the best view of my upper lash line. I then start with a thin line from where my natural lashes start and work my way to the outer corner. Once I have a solid line, I then gently line the inner corner as well! I always start thin and go back in to make the line thicker if needed. 

HOL: “How does Lash and Dash compare to Lash Adhesive?” 

Anahi: The Lash & Dash Adhesive Eyeliner is a lot faster than regular lash adhesive. Generally with lash adhesive, I need to apply it to the lash band and then wait until the glue dries a little and becomes tacky before applying. With this eyeliner, I simply line and apply my lashes. It’s so nice to be able to skip a step and go straight into lashing. Also, with the eyeliner, I can go in and touch up throughout the day if needed! No more carrying my lash adhesive and tools everywhere I go. All I need is my mirror and liner pen! 

HOL: “Do you have to reapply the liner at any point during the day?” 

Anahi: I wore the liner and lashes for about 7 hours at work before I had to reapply. The only reason I reapplied liner was because I had a strength training class right after and I didn’t want a lash falling off mid set! Lol All I did was add one more layer of liner over my lash line and adjusted the inner and outer corner of the lashes. I went through a whole strength and conditioning class and my lashes stayed put for the whole hour! I was actually very impressed with it. 

HOL: “When did you remove your liner and lashes? How long did it last?” 

Anahi: I removed my makeup once I got home from the gym. The lashes & liner stayed on for a total of 9 hours! Towards the last hour, the lashes began lifting a very small amount on the outer corner. I could have easily applied more liner if I wanted to keep them on longer! 

HOL: “How was the removal process?” 

Anahi: It was so easy to remove. Just like any lash removal, I gently peeled the lashes from the outer to inner corner and placed them back into their tray. To remove the excess liner, I used my micellar water on a cotton pad, let the pad sit on my eyes for about 10 seconds and gently wiped it off. 

HOL: “Overall, what would you rate this product?” 

Anahi: I would rate this product a 9! I love it for my work days or busy days when I am running errands. It’s so easy and fast to apply and it saves me time in my day. Having it in both colors allows me to switch up my look if needed. When I want a more natural look, I use the clear to apply my most natural lashes and the satin black is perfect for my fuller lashes. So far, I’ve used this liner for my everyday makeup look & for date nights. This eyeliner is beginner friendly and perfect for anyone that just needs a fast makeup look or has a reservation. So for any moms or busy bees, this product is for you! This is your sign to try it out!

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